Supiati Supiati, Siti Yulaikah


Abstract: Eggs, Postpartum, Luka perineum, Hemoglobin. Labor or birth is a normal physiological occurrence. The delivery process carries its own impact on mothers themselves primarily on the physical mother, among which are wound on the perineum so that the necessary suturing and bleeding can lead to anemia in mothers during childbirth. The impact of anemia or stitches perienum can cause disruption of motion and activity of the mother. Acceleration of wound healing and eliminating anemia during childbirth is expected, one of them with a high consumption of protein in the form of eggs. Is there any influence of a boiled egg consumption to accelerate wound healing of the perineum and increase hemoglobin levels postpartum mothers in rural areas Pandes Wedi Klaten. This research uses quasi experimental approach to non-radomized one pretest-posttest control group design. The population around the post partum mothers who give birth and live in rural areas as much as 67 Pandes Wedi Klaten puerperal women, with a sample size 38 for women. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with the set criteria. Instruments data acquisition is REEDA Scale and Hb Meter (Benecheck). The analysis used was the independent t-test. The length of time needed for healing perineal stitches among postpartum mothers who eat a boiled egg with postpartum mothers who do not eat eggs poached experience the difference with t smaller than t table, while the difference in the time it takes to experience faster healing time of 1.7 days, but differences in the time required for healing perineal stitches on postpartum mothers were not significant where p value greater than 0.05. Whereas Hb level changes between postpartum mothers were given a boiled egg with postpartum mothers were not given a boiled egg experience the difference with t smaller than t table (-7.032 <-2.042) with a difference of Hb level changes in puerperal women on average 2 g% , There were significant differences (p value <0.05) to changes in Hb levels in postpartum mothers are given a boiled egg with postpartum mothers were not given a boiled egg. Boiled egg consumption effective to accelerate wound healing and perineal sutures increases Hb levels in postpartum mothers

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