Siti Rahayu, Ilham Setyo Budi, Satino Satino


Abstract: Mother Toddler, Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention, Early Childhood Growth. The research objective is to examine the characteristics of the mother toddler relationship with the implementation of stimulation, detection and early intervention in the development of children under five PHC areas the Ampel I Boyolali district in 2012. Methods This study uses descriptive correlational method, the cross sectional. The study population all mothers with children under five in the country as many as 925 people and Sort Sewu Boyolali Horn. 90 study subjects infants and mothers of children under five in the village of Horn and Sort Sewu Boyolali. Collecting data through a standardized instrument Ministry of Health, analyzed by Chi-Square test. The results showed the majority of mothers aged 20 to 35 years as many as 82 people (91.1%), age over 35 years sebesar7 people (7.8%), and 1 (1.1%) aged less than 20 years. Mother's education primary education at most 65 people (72.2%), intermediate 22 (24.4%), higher education 3 people (3.4%). Most of the 50 people working mothers (55.6%), not working 40 men (44.4%).
Keywords: Mother Toddler, Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention, Early Childhood Growth

Abstrak: Ibu Balita, Stimulasi, Deteksi Dan Intervensi Dini, Tumbuh Kembang Anak Balita. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik ibu balita dengan pelaksanaan stimulasi, deteksi dan intervensi dini tumbuh kembang anak balita di wilayah Puskesmas Ampel I Kabupaten Boyolali tahun 2012. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif korelasional, dengan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian semua ibu yang mempunyai anak balita sebanyak 925 orang di desa Tanduk dan Urut Sewu Boyolali. Subyek penelitian 90 ibu balita dan anak balita di desa Tanduk dan Urut Sewu Boyolali. Pengumpulan data melalui instrument yang telah dibakukan Kemenkes, dianalisis dengan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur ibu sebagian besar 20 sampai 35 tahun sebanyak 82 orang (91,1%), umur lebih 35 tahun sebesar 7 orang (7,8%), dan 1 orang (1.1%) umur kurang 20 tahun. Pendidikan ibu paling banyak pendidikan dasar 65 orang (72,2%), menengah 22 orang (24,4%), pendidikan tinggi 3 orang (3,4%). Sebagian besar ibu bekerja 50 orang (55,6%), tidak bekerja 40 orang (44,4%).
Kata Kunci: Ibu Balita, Stimulasi, Deteksi Dan Intervensi Dini, Tumbuh Kembang Anak Balita

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