Zaenal Arifin, Agus Kirwanto, Sigit Triambarwanto


Abstract: Vitamin C, Acid Pantotenac, Tomatoes, High-impact Aerobic Exercise, Antal Erythrocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of tomato juice than multivitamins in maintaining erythrocyte levels in the type of high-impact aerobic exercise. This research method using the same experimental design subjects. Subjects were students at the campus dormitories 3 Poltekkes Surakarta. Blood sampling is done 6 times before and after the first practice, before and after the second practice (multivitamin 500 mg for 1 week), before and after the third exercise (tomatoes juice for 1 week). Antal erythrocytes was measured by the method of hematology analyzer Sysmex KX- 21. Results erythrocyte levels before the first rehearsal of 4.47 ± 0.29%, after the first exercise 0.27 ± 3.93%, ± 4.48 after both drills 0.26%, and after the third exercise 4.44 ± 0, 26. Results Statistical analysis (paired t-test and ANOVA) showed no significant difference in maintaining erythrocyte plasma levels before and after the first exercise, after exercise and after exercise both the third (p <0,05). Wedang tomatoes and multivitamins did not differ significantly inhibited the increase in erythrocyte fragility after exercise (p> 0,05). The combination of multivitamins prevent the formation of free radical chain reactions in the propagation stage while lycopene tomatoes at the stage of initiation. Conclusion wedang tomatoes 100 gr equivalent combination of multivitamin 500 mg in inhibiting the increase in erythrocyte fragility after the type of high-impact aerobic exercise. Keywords: vitamin C, acid pantotenac, tomatoes, high-impact aerobic exercise, Antal erythrocytes.

Abstrak: Vitamin C, Asam Pantotenac, Buah Tomat, Latihan Aerobik High Impact, Antal Eritrosit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan wedang tomat dibanding multivitamin dalam mempertahankan kadar eritrosit pada latihan aerobik tipe high impact. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen sama subjek. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa di asrama kampus 3 Poltekkes Surakarta. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan 6 kali yaitu sebelum dan sesudah latihan pertama, sebelum dan setelah latihan kedua (multivitamin 500 mg selama 1 minggu), sebelum dan setelah latihan ketiga (diwedang tomat selama 1 minggu). Antal eritrosit diukur dengan metode hematology Analizer Sysmex KX-21. Hasil kadar eritrosit sebelum latihan pertama 4,47 ± 0,29 %, setelah latihan pertama 3,93 ± 0,27%, setelah latihan kedua 4,48 ± 0,26 %, dan setelah latihan yang ketiga 4,44 ± 0,26. Hasil Analisis statistik (paired t-test dan Anova) menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna dalam mempertahankan kadar eritrosit plasma sebelum dan setelah latihan pertama, setelah latihan kedua serta setelah latihan ketiga (p<0,05). Wedang tomat dan multivitamin tidak berbeda bermakna dalam menghambat kenaikan fragilitas eritrosit setelah latihan (p>0,05). Kombinasi multivitamin mencegah terbentuknya reaksi berantai radikal bebas pada tahap propagasi sedangkan likopen buah tomat pada tahap inisiasi. Kesimpulan wedang tomat 100 gr setara dengan kombinasi multivitamin 500 mg dalam menghambat kenaikan fragilitas eritrosit setelah latihan aerobik tipe high impact.
Kata kunci: vitamin C, asam pantotenac, buah tomat, latihan aerobik high impact, antal eritrosit.

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