Abstract: Perception, Disability, Stroke, Sexual Activity, Motivation. This study aims to determine perceptions of stroke survivors who have disabilities to sexual activity. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive analysis with case study design were fixed (embedded case study research). Data collection techniques with depth interviews, and focus group discussion. The results obtained by the themes of disability following limb abnormalities in the body, negative self-concept, functional limitations, empowering religion, disability as a test / trial / warning from God, as the disability provisions of the Lord, the attitude of resignation, and people with disabilities want to maintain the existence of self and the desire to serve. Theme of sexual activity is the husband-wife relationship/ intercourse, negative self-concept, sexual fungi limitation, the factors that encourage sexual activity, sexual function, and the desire to serve. Motivation living in patients affected by the condition of stroke disability, religious belief, and culture.
Keywords: perception, disability, stroke, sexual activity, motive
Abstrak: Persepsi, Kecacatan, Stroke, Aktivitas Seksual, Motivasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui persepsi penderita stroke yang mengalami kecacatan terhadap aktifitas seksual. Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis deskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus terpancang (embedded case study research). Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussion. Hasil penelitian diperoleh tema-tema tentang kecacatan sebagai berikut abnormalitas ekstremitas tubuh, konsep diri negatif, keterbatasan fungsional, agama memberi kekuatan, kecacatan sebagai ujian/ cobaan/ peringatan dari Tuhan, kecacatan sebagai ketentuan dari Tuhan, sikap tawakal, dan penyandang cacat ingin menjaga eksistensi diri dan berhasrat untuk mengabdi. Tema aktivitas seksual adalah hubungan suami-istri/ bersetubuh, konsep diri negatif, keterbatasan fungi seksual, faktor-faktor yang mendorong aktivitas seksual, fungsi seksual, dan hasrat untuk mengabdi. Motivasi hidup pada penderita stroke dipengaruhi oleh kondisi cacat, agama yang diyakini, dan budaya.
Kata Kunci: persepsi, kecacatan, stroke, aktivitas seksual, motif
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